Tiago Oliveira

Tiago Oliveira, Full Professor
Doctor in Information Management (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
Coordinator of the Information Systems Research Stream
Tiago Oliveira is a Full Professor of Information Management and Associate Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies at the NOVA Information Management School (IMS), Coordinator of the Ph.D. in Information Management, and Coordinator of the Information Systems research stream. He was an academic visitor at the Information Systems Department, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA.
He received his Ph.D. degree in Information Management from Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Portugal, in 2011. He also received a Master's degree in Statistics and Information Management from NOVA IMS, Portugal, in 2006, and a degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (UTL), Portugal, in 2001. Before joining academia, he worked in the Private Sector in Product Management and Account Management in the largest Portuguese Information Technology Company, Portugal Telecom.
His research is driven by the vision to marry information technology (IT) with the process of innovation diffusion (initiation, adoption, use, and value) across all adoption units (individuals, firms, and societies). With this research, he intends to spread transcendence on IT innovation's most important antecedents, developing new toolkits for emerging IT. In the last five years, he has worked on IT adoption models. For individuals as adoption units, he is interested in understanding what drives the adoption of e-health, e-banking, m-banking, and m-payments. At a firm-level, he first focused on Internet adoption, followed by e-business adoption, enterprise resource planning (ERP) use and value (in collaboration with Microsoft Corporation), cloud computing adoption stages, and cloud computing value (also with Microsoft Corporation and SAP). Another field of interest is e-government and e-participation adoption by citizens. He is also interested in assessing IT's role in the development of countries and understanding the digital divide. He developed a framework for improving the level of cross-border e-commerce within the European Union for the European Commission.
His research has been published in several journals including Information & Management, Tourism Management, Decision Support Systems, Government Information Quarterly, Computers in Human Behavior, Journal of Business Research, Information Systems Frontiers, International Journal of Information Management, Journal of Global Information Management, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Computers in Industry, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, among others.
Tiago has authored more than 150 scientific articles in Journals and conference proceedings. He has more than 10,000 citations (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=RXwZPpoAAAAJ).