The InnovPlantProtect Collaborative Laboratory aims to tackle the challenges of global crop production loss due to pests and diseases, worsened by climate change. The partnership between academia and industry, including MagIC research centre, will develop new and effective protection solutions for specific Mediterranean crops, using emerging molecular, monitoring, and modeling techniques, including artificial intelligence. The CoLAB will also develop risk and pesticide application models, implement methods for pest monitoring and diagnosis, and produce new bio-pesticides. InnovPlantProtect (InPP) CoLab represents a significant leap forward in agricultural innovation, impacting the fields of agronomy, economics, and social well-being. This collaborative initiative, driven by MagIC's expertise in data science and management, directly addresses one of our key research areas: sustainability.
CoLab InnovPlantProtect

InnovPlantProtect CoLAB project
The InnovPlantProtect CoLAB project was led by the research Unit GREEN-IT Bioresources for Sustainability, and is a joint effort of 4 organic Units of NOVA (ITQB NOVA, FCT NOVA, NOVA IMS and NOVA SBE), INIAV, the Municipality of Elvas, two major multinational companies (Bayer CropScience, Syngenta Crop Protection), an SME (Fertiprado), an agro-biotech research Centre in Beja (CEBAL), 4 farmer/industrial Associations covering a wide variety of plants (Associação Nacional de Produtores de Milho e Sorgo, Casa do Arroz, Federação Nacional das Organizações de Produtores de Frutas e Hortícolas and Associação Nacional de Produtores de Proteaginosas, Oleaginosas e Cereais) and Universidade de Évora. The title of CoLAB is attributed by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.