GIN2K - Geographic Information: Need to Know, 2015

GIN2K - Geographic Information: Need to Know, 2015
The project will analyze the current market demands with regard to the knowledge and skills and compare them with the current training offer in the GI S&T sector. The existing GI S&T Body of Knowledge will be used as a starting point, updated and brought in line with new technological developments, and with the European perspective in mind.
The new BoK will follow an ontological approach (re-)defining knowledge areas, units and topics, linked to key concepts in the field. The BoK will be a dynamic e-repository including a series of toolsets to maintain and explore it, to define curricula, and to allow to define learning paths and courses. In addition, tools for defining job profiles will be made available too.
GI N2K will test and validate the e-BoK and the toolsets with real world use cases. The new e-Bok for GI S&T will change the way the future GI-professionals are being prepared for the existing GI S&T market . Vice versa, the e-BoK will also allow this market to evolve in a dynamic and innovative way.