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RM Roadmap - Creating framework conditions for Research Management to strengthen the European Research Area

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About the Project

RM Roadmap: Creating framework conditions for Research Management to strengthen the European Research Area

RM ROADMAP will create a roadmap for the future of research management (RM) in Europe and a community to support its delivery. To enhance access to excellence, the overarching objective of RM ROADMAP is to identify and adapt the research management capital base of the EU, including the widening countries, of its current and future research management workforce to emerging needs to improve the EU's competitiveness and sustain its economic performance.

NOVA IMS leads the mapping of the training, networking, mobility and funding opportunities for RM in Europe.

Main objectives and activities:

  • he RM ROADMAP consortium is proposing a state-of-the-art pan-European network of research managers, supporting the establishment of strategic, cross-border partnerships between research managers in industry, Research Funding Organisations, higher education and research institutions;
  • RM ROADMAP will connect existing European networks on a smart community platform which will enable an unprecedented co-creation process in research management in the world. This co-creation process will gather the existing communities and expand upon them to reach two main objectives:
    1. create and inform a bottom-up consensus on the future of RM in a roadmap and;
    2. inform the community about existing training, networking, funding and mobility opportunities.

Our contribution

NOVA IMS is leading the WP2 dedicated to training and development. Our main objectives are:

  • to map the current RM training, networking, mobility and funding, per segment of the community (per country and CoP);
  • to create an online tool to increase the accessibility for the RM community information on existing funding and training;
  • to recommend training that could create synergies with future Europe-wide training and networking
  • to foster the creation of communities of practice among trainers to exchange best practices and to promote the internationalisation of existing training.


  • European Association Of Research Managers And Administrators (BL) (Coordinator);
  • HETFA Research Institute (HU);
  • Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (PT);
  • Association of European Science & Technology Transfer Professionals (NL);
  • Crowdhelix Limited (IE);
  • The Cyprus Institute (CY);
  • associated partners Janssen & Janssen and Una Europa (BL).

Contribution to the SDGs

  • SDG 4
  • SDG 8
  • SDG 9 Industry, Innovation, And Infrastructure
  • SDG 17



Ref./Contract n.: 101058475

Funding Programme: Horizon Europe

Funding to NOVA IMS: €166.998,57

Duration: 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2025