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Conference: Public Administration Integrity

05 Apr, 2024

Conference: Public Administration Integrity


About the event

As part of the celebration of the 94th anniversary of the IGF-Auditing Authority and in collaboration with NOVA IMS, a conference will be held on 'Public Administration Integrity', where key issues for today's governance will be addressed.

The event will take place in two separate panels:

  • Preventing and fighting corruption: from the High Authority Against Corruption to the National Anti-Corruption Mechanism (MENAC);
  • Auditing and Fraud Prevention: An analysis of fraud prevention strategies in the public sector.

We will be joined by experts in these fields, who will enrich the debate with their in-depth perspectives on these pressing issues.

More information, including registration details, will be available soon.

Registration Form

Secure your spot in this conference by completing the Registration Form.


Registration Form

9:00 a.m. | Opening Session

  • President of the Republic – Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa (video message)
  • NOVA IMS Dean - Miguel de Castro Neto 
  • General Inspection of Finance – António Ferreira dos Santos, Inspector-General of the IGF

9:30 a.m. | Panel I – Prevention and fight against corruption: from the AACC to the MENAC

Moderator: Ana Paula Barata Salgueiro, Deputy Inspector-General of the IGF

  • General Inspection of Justice Services – Gonçalo da Cunha Pires, Inspector-General of the IGSJ
  • Court of Auditors – José Tavares, President of the TdC National
  • Anti-Corruption Mechanism – António Pires da Graça, President of the MENAC

10:50 a.m. | Coffee Break

1:10 a.m. | Panel II – Audit and fraud prevention

Moderator: Paulo Ramos Silva, Deputy Inspector-General of the IGF

  • Internal Audit – Hugo Domingos, Board Member of IIA Portugal
  • European Commission Anti-Fraud Office – Joanna Krzeminska, Director of OLAF
  • Public Audit – José António Viegas Ribeiro, Deputy Inspector-General of the IGF

12:30 p.m. | Announcement of the results of the Project “Use of Artificial Intelligence in Audit of the European Union Funds”

Full Professor at NOVA IMS – Pedro Simões Coelho

13:00 p.m. | Closing Session

General Inspection of Finance – António Ferreira dos Santos, Inspector-General of the IGF


Speakers and Moderators

  • avatar
    Miguel de Castro Neto
    NOVA IMS Dean
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    António Ferreira dos Santos
    Inspector General of Finance of the IGF
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    Ana Paula Salgueiro
    Deputy Inspector-General of the IGF
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    Gonçalo da Cunha Pires
    Inspector-General of the IGSJ
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    José Tavares
    TdC President
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    António Pires da Graça
    Presidente do MENAC
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    Paulo Ramos Silva
    Deputy-Inspector General of the IGF
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    Hugo Domingos
    Board Member of IIA Portugal
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    Joanna Krzeminska
    Director of OLAF
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    José António Viegas Ribeiro
    Deputy-Inspector General of the IGF
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    Pedro Simões Coelho
    Full Professor at Nova University
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The Conference took place at Rectorate of Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

Metro: S. Sebastião (Blue and Red Line); Praça de Espanha (Blue Line)
Carris: 701, 713, 716, 726, 742, 746, 756, 758, 770