The session will be attended by the two authors of the book, Professor Leonardo Vanneschi from NOVA IMS, and Investigator Sara Silva from LASIGE, and also by two guests - Professor Ernesto Costa, from the Department of Computer Engineering of the University of Coimbra, and Professor Illya Bakurov from NOVA IMS.
After the book presentation, participants will be invited to attend a coffe break hosted by NOVA IMS.
Leonardo Vanneschi
Author and Professor of NOVA IMS

Leonardo Vanneschi is a Full Professor at the Nova Information Management School (NOVA IMS) of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. His main research interests involve machine learning, data science, optimization, complex systems and, in particular, evolutionary computation. He currently has published more than 250 contributions, 11 of which recognized with international awards. In 2015, he received the Evo* Award for Outstanding Contributions to Evolutionary Computation in Europe. In 2020, he was included in the list of the top 2% world researchers in a study carried out by the Stanford University.
Sara Silva
Author, Principal Investigator at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon

Sara Silva is a Principal Investigator at the Computer Science and Engineering Research Centre (LASIGE) in Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. Her main research interests are machine learning and evolutionary computation, including interdisciplinary applications in the areas of remote sensing and bioinformatics. She is the author of around 100 peer-reviewed publications, having received more than 10 nominations and awards for best paper and best researcher. In 2018, she received the Evo* Award for Outstanding Contribution to Evolutionary Computation in Europe. She created the MATLAB Genetic Programming Toolbox (GPLAB).
Illya Bakurov
Professor of NOVA IMS

I. Bakurov is a researcher and a lecturer at NOVA IMS. He completed his bachelor's, master's, and Ph.D. degrees at NOVA IMS. During his Ph.D. he spent about two years at Università Degli Studi Milano Bicocca in a research laboratory specialized in image processing and computer vision
Ernesto Costa
Full Professor at the Department of Informatics Engineering of the University of Coimbra

Ernesto Costa is Full Professor at the Department of Informatics Engineering of the University of Coimbra. He received a 3rd Cycle Thesis in Computing Science from the University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France) in 1981 and got a Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering (area of Computing Science) from the University of Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal) in 1985. His main research interests are in the areas of Evolutionary Computation,Artificial Life, Complex Systems, Machine Learning, Cognition and Computational Biology. In particular, we work in bio-inspired artificial intelligence, developing novel algorithms and applying them to design, optimization and learning problems, and promoting the cross-fertilization of Evolutionary Computation and Machine Learning.
He participated in several projects, got several best paper awards. He was the recipient of the 2009 EvoStar Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Evolutionary Computation. He organized several international scientific events and had published over 170 papers in books, journals and proceedings of conferences. Since December 2012 is a member of the General Council (Conselho Geral) of the University of Coimbra, a governing board of the university. He is scientific advisor of the company Complexica.