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A study led by Prof. Diego Costa Pinto reveals fear and benefits of AI

A study led by Prof. Diego Costa Pinto reveals fear and benefits of AI

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The study "The Morality of Artificial Intelligence in Portugal", led by Professor Diego Costa Pinto and coordinated by Professors, and members of NOVA Marketing Analytics Lab, Ana Rita Gonçalves and Rafael Wagner, from NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS), conducted through interviews with 466 Portuguese consumers, of both genres, aged between 18 and 67 years, residing in Portugal and with internet access, analyzed their perception of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the consequences it can bring.

Most people don’t consider AI moral, safe, fair or loyal, and have doubts about its use in sectors such as culture, sports, law and government. However, they are in favor of its application in areas such as healthcare, transport, basic services, financial services, education and media.

Regarding interpersonal relationships, young people believe that AI will affect this aspect of their lives, while women and older individuals don’t share the same concern. This study also highlights that the precarious labor market in Portugal may increase the perception of vulnerability in relation to AI, generating fear of being replaced by technology.

On the other hand, there are several potential added benefits of AI, notably through "human augmentation", the increase and improvement of human capabilities, and it will also enable the creation of different jobs where there is a combination of people and AI. According to Diego Costa Pinto, "companies and society must implement AI in their activities to improve the performance of their workforce and the competitiveness of Portuguese companies", reinforcing that continuous learning and the use of upskilling programs can emphasize how the use of AI can be complemented with the social and empathetic aspects of professionals in their job descriptions, training and even in performance evaluations.

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