About the Project
GeoTech: Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
Spatial and temporal aspects are at the heart of many pressing societal problems (e.g. achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals), and there is a lack of experts capable of dealing with them properly. The overall aim of the International Master Programme in Geospatial Technologies is thus to prepare students to exploit new geospatial technologies to support environmental and societal decision-making affecting the future of our planet.
The University of Münster (WWU), Germany, the Universitat Jaume I (UJI), Spain, and the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Portugal, are complementary institutions with expertise in key research areas and teaching in the field of geospatial technologies. Consequently, the programme can cover interdisciplinary and current topic areas such as informatics, data analytics, remote sensing, spatial statistics and GI Science while also providing students with the opportunity to apply these to relevant problems in practical (team) projects.
The partners have been cooperating in several international projects for more than 15 years, including in a previous EMJM as well as in a European PhD programme (International Training Network) on Smart Open Cities. This expertise in running international training programmes, the composition of the consortium, and the tightly integrated structure of degree programme, ensure that the course content is up-to-date, teaching is delivered to a high standard and essential transferable skills are acquired by the students.
The three-semester Masters (90 ECTS) is taught in English and is a continuation of successful previous and ongoing iterations. The programme has been substantially improved and re-organised based on a needs
analysis and feedback from future employers. It incorporates several innovative features that ensure students are well prepared to tackle pressing societal problems and acquire the knowledge and skills sought after on the job market, graduates having excellent career chances.
- Implement a joint and integrated Master’s programme in Geospatial Technologies;
- Effectively prepare students with different educational backgrounds for the labour market so that they can apply innovative geospatial technologies to address key societal challenges;
- Establish a worldwide network between and across students, alumni, beneficiaries, associated Industry partners, and additional supporting network partners.