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CITY CATALIST - Catalisador para cidades sustentáveis, 2020

Topo Projetos

About the Project

CITY CATALIST - Catalisador para cidades sustentáveis, 2020: The project aimed to investigate, develop, and validate, in a real-world context, 21 innovative products and services

The ambition of the “City Catalyst - Catalyst for Sustainable Cities” project is the research, development and validation, in a real context, of technological solutions and innovative services that enhance an integrated, more efficient and effective urban management, and catalyst for innovation and development. sustainable development through specific contributions to the implementation and interoperability of urban platforms.

The project was structured around different research and development lines that were pioneering from the perspective of Smart and Sustainable Cities related to the infrastructures of sensing, communication and computational processing; information security and privacy; data models and interfaces; as well as processes of open innovation and co-creation for the competitiveness of smart and sustainable cities.

It also includes the implementation of a set of demonstrators in order to validate the functioning of the solutions to be developed in 5 Portuguese cities (i.e Porto, Aveiro, Guimarães, Famalicão and Cascais).

Our contribution

NOVA IMS is responsible for the development of analytics for data-driven carbon neutral policies. Specifically, NOVA IMS will define a set of indicators and dashboards to measure soft mobility, traffic flow and pollution, and we're thrilled to see the positive impact this work can have on creating more sustainable cities.


  • EFACEC Energia. Máquinas e Equipamentos Eléctricos S.A.
  • EFACEC Engenharia e Sistemas S.A,
  • EFACEC Electric Mobility, S.A.
  • Altice Labs, S.A.
  • Eurico Ferreira Portugal, S.A.
  • INOVA+
  • Ubiwhere, S.A.
  • HLTSYS – HealthySystems
  • NOS Comunicações, S.A.
  • Associação Porto Digital
  • Associação Porto Business School
  • CEiiA - Centro de Engenharia e Desenvolvimento
  • Associação Fraunhofer Portugal Research
  • Associação C.C.G. /ZDG - Centro de Computação Gráfica
  • Instituto de Telecomunicações
  • Universidade do Porto
  • INESC TEC - Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science
  • Pólo das Tecnologias de Informação, Comunicação e Electrónica - TICE.PT

Contribution to the SDGs

  • SDG 11 Sustainable Cities And Communities


  • Funding Programme: Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI), Programa Operacional Lisboa (PO Lisboa)
  • Funding to NOVA IMS: 189 543,48 €
  • Duration: 2020 – 2023


Project outputs