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Sampling, Biostatistics, and GIS in health

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Close collaboration between NOVAIMS and other institutions (e.g., NOVA Medical School) has produced high-impact research in life sciences. This collaborative environment leverages expertise in sampling, biostatistics, and geographical information science as valuable support domains.

Areas addressed go from:

(a) Links between aging and rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMD)

(b) Dietary patterns, lifestyle, and depression symptoms

(c) Food insecurity in elderly people

(d) The use of spatial and temporal precision health in malaria dynamics

(e) Spatial epidemiology of cancer in Portugal

(f) The use of the geographical information science topological metaphors to build 3D models of the human body.

It is also worth mentioning the unique sampling design and weighting of the first large-scale epidemiological population-based study that evaluated RMD in Portugal (EpireumaPt), for which Profs. P.S. Coelho and J.M. Mendes received, in 2016, the “Bial Merit Award in Medical Sciences” for high quality and outstanding results of “EpiReumaPt - the dream of a generation in a decade of work”.

The joint venture between NOVAIMS and NOVA Medical School brought to life the NOVA Clinical Research Unit (NOVA CRU) that allows researchers to design, implement and manage clinical trials and other complex studies, according to the standards required by ethics and regulatory authorities.